Keeping yourself and your clients safe is the responsibility of every makeup artist and that includes keeping your tools and products clean and safe.
One of the easiest and safest ways to achieve this is to use disposable tools in your makeup kit.
But first, what’s all the fuss about?
Every day we are coexisting with millions upon millions of microorganisms. Tiny specks of life that are too small to see with the naked eye but can definitely have a big impact on your health. These include bacteria, viruses and fungi.
These microorganisms may be pathogenic, meaning they cause a disease like a cold or flu. However, we also have plenty or organisms living on our skin and hair that our bodies have adapted to live with. They live with us and help keep us safe from other microorganisms that might not be as friendly, but they can also cause problems!
Cross Contamination
When you apply makeup to someone’s skin, your brushes and tools will also pick up any microbes living on their skin or in their brows and lashes. If your tools aren’t cleaned properly, you might transfer these to your next client’s skin!
Even if those critters weren’t hurting the original person, that may not be true of the next.
Once those microbes are on a brush, if that brush comes into contact with your products, then your products will become contaminated too. Wet makeups like liquids and creams are especially good breeding grounds for microbes like bacteria and fungus, even if only a little bit gets in, they’ll grow and spread through the whole product.
Once product is contaminated in this way, anyone who uses it is in danger of infection. This is why infection control and hygiene must always be at the forefront of our minds as a top priority.
Liquid Products
Liquid products like foundations and concealers should always be dispensed onto a clean makeup palette, never the back of your hand. All brushes used to apply must be thoroughly sanitised between applications, especially if used around the eyes or lips.
Mascara should only ever be applied with a disposable mascara wand. If you need more product, you must use a new wand. Never double dip!
Cream Product
Cream products like cream foundations, blushes and eyeliners should be decanted onto a clean palette with a clean spatula. Once used any leftover product should be discarded and the palette sanitised or replaced with a clean one.
Powder Product
For loose powders, decant a small amount onto a clean palette or tissue to prevent contaminating the main products.
Fir pressed powders, they should be sprayed down with a disinfecting alcohol spray after use and once dry, wipe over the surface with a clean tissue.
Contra Indicators.
Finally, look out for contraindicators in your clients skin. That is, anything that might make infection or cross contamination more likely. This might be things like cold sores, broken weeping skin caused by dermatitis, eczema or acne or watery weeping eyes that may indicate conjunctivitis.
If you proceed with a makeup in these conditions, be extra careful to protect yourself and your current and future client. This might mean using only disposables instead of brushes (sponges and shadow sticks etc..) and only using products that can be decanted.
Hygiene is all of our responsibility, male sure you keep washing your hands and taking care of each other!
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See you soon,
The Kryolan Education Team.